The trailer for "The Maze Runner" has finally been released!
I think the trailer does a good job at capturing the mystery of the book. I love that it only shows tantalizing glimpses of everything: the Glade, the Maze, the Grievers…it does a great job at teasing fans of the book, and sparking intrigue in the uninitiated.
I've only read the first book in James Dashner's series (my position in the holds line for the sequel was in triple digits, and I wasn't very patient), but I really enjoyed it. Most of the book is completely confusing, so I'm excited and curious to see if they left the movie just as vague, or if they explain too many things for the audience. I definitely preferred the book being confusing…it brings you into Thomas's character, really letting you experience the book from his point of view, as well as sucking you very, very quickly into the world of the book.
"The Maze Runner" will arrive in theaters September 19.
I have the second two, if you want to borrow them. Just tell my mom or whoever that they are in the top drawer of the dresser in the boy's room. THEY ARE SO GOOD YOU MUST READ THEM!!!